There are all types of looms, enough to match every kind of weaver. If you took a survey of weavers and the number of looms that they own, there is always more than one. Some looms are only capable of certain types of weaving and others are very flexible almost appearing to be reconstructed for each warp placed on them. I hope to share with you images of looms that you might not be familiar with. I will also display images of looms that I have found for sale so that you have an opportunity to pick one out for you to weave on at home.
Basic Looms: looms come in many sizes and shapes. There are old looms and new looms and they all do the same thing, weave.
Do It Yourself Looms: low cost looms to get you weaving, perfect for small budgets and initial discovery of the craft of weaving.
Cardboard Looms: One of the simplest ways to get started weaving.
Dobby Looms: Complex looms that do not need a computer for operation. Generally weavers are weaving a single structure at a time.
Drawlooms: Complex looms that require the weaver to “draw” a cord or pull to weave a pattern. Drawlooms permit weavers to weave a “ground” cloth and a secondary structure for the pattern.
Jacquard Looms: Known best for their ability to draw pictures, they are looms that are capable of weaving complex patterns by controlling single threads, by the use of punched cards. The first Jacquard Looms were originally drawlooms which had a second level (platform) built above for a Jacquard machine to be mounted on it. It because possible for multiple machines to be mounted on the loom, a small one for the ground weave and a larger one for the patterning.
Computer Controlled Looms: Both a dobby loom and a jacquard loom can be computer controlled. The weaver does the actual weaving and the computer determines which threads will be raised.
Commercial Looms: Used in textile mills to make fabric that is used for furnishing, and for clothing.