Purple Star Square I for 2016

What makes this piece special is that I used many ancient motifs to create a  modern miniature coverlet looking image.

I borrowed an overshot window pane for the borders edge, placed a star  in the center.  I then encircled it with hearts. I also used a twill structure to add interest to the hearts.

All in a 6 inch space. It took several attempts to achieve a “square” look to the piece and here you see the end result.

The time to weave this piece was over 8 hours. I had to work slowly and carefully to ensure that I did not make a mistake when pulling the pattern shafts. This is one of the most complex designs in the Opphamta series of images.





I am very happy with the historic feel of this new design.

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Update to the Replacement Dish Towel Project

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After a long time, almost a year. I finally had the time to get to this project. As I did, I discovered that I had set up my loom incorrectly and was not able to weave until I fixed the installation of the friction brake, and the clutch for the cloth advance. Thank you to wonderful people on the Weaver’s Tech list.

During this process I did decide on an initial draft of the first towels. It is based on two different Jacob Angstadt designs, both are 12 shaft pointed twills blocks. I wanted to get a checkerboard effect without needing to use two shuttles. This was made possible by reversing the tie-up blocks.  Now to the real work, weaving!

Favorite Scandinavian Projects to Weave: 45 Stylish Designs for the Modern Home

I went to the local library a week ago and I found this little treasure. Because I have a Glimakra drawloom I was very IMG_2846interested in this book. Hints and tips from the writers of VAV Magazine are ALWAYS welcome. Was I delighted when I opened IMG_2838the cover to browse through the pictures. None of the projects are overly complicated. And some of the treasures include how to weave a hammock,  make european style linen towels with the woven loops, and a striking striped summer “light” blanket. While the threads are not ‘translated’ it will be easy enough to make use of of Handwoven’s thread guide to find our American equivalents.IMG_2841

I am most interested in the hammock project as I have always wanted to make one for my house.  I can’t wait for a sunny day and a glass of lemonade and my sunglasses!