Historic Reticule Project



4 Shaft Loom, Overshot and Twill Project

The Historic Reticule Project began with a trip to a museum just prior to the pandemic of 2020. It was the last trip I would be able to take to a public venue for the entire year. Little did I know at the time it was the beginning of a time of intense research from my home studio. Follow a researcher’s progress from concept to cloth. The entire process occupied my loom for the better part of 6 months. I was not in a hurry as there was no place to go.  I share with you my candid process videos, the draft files from profile to final draft, *.wif files that you can load into your computer processing software. Experience the designer’s process starting from a historic object and moving to a final contemporary piece of Overshot weaving.

The learning begins with photographic textile analysis, moves to drafting and sampling to verify that the theory is correct before committing to the final warp. The entire package includes 19 drafts, and 9 woven samples. During the process I took time to video my weaving critiques of the work and the learning I had along the way. This a rare insight into what goes on behind the scenes in my weaving life.

You can create an exact copy of my project or develop a design of your own to weave with equal confidence with the information provided.

The project is downloadable immediately after purchase. If you desire a printed copy I suggest taking the project PDF document to your local print shop for printing and binding.

There are no printed materials to be shipped.

Here is a sampling of what is included in the The Historic Reticule Project

What is Included 9 Samples

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