Experience diversified weaving. These drafts are for a Two Tie block unit weave. While these drafts have been set up for a loom that has 18 Shafts- 16 are used for pattern and 2 for the tie-downs. Variations 5, 6, 7 and 8 can be woven on a loom with as few as four shafts if weaver makes use of the principles of overshot block threading. The drafts are optimized for lift plans versus treadling on a floor loom. This structure can require more treadles that what naturally exist on a floor loom. The lift plans work great for table looms.
The details of how the drafts were created can be found on https://www.facebook.com/groups/historicweaving/learning_content/?filter=1882671271757459 , you will have to request to join the Historic Weaving Group on Facebook, but there is no cost involved and there are detailed instructions on how this drafting process works.
The examples you see here, are reminiscent of point twill, overshot, freeform design (contemporary), and monks belt.
Using the information you learn with these drafts is it possible to weave 6 block patterns on an 8 shaft loom. Additionally, the fabric that you create will have no floats making it suitable for blankets, upholstery, and rugs.
These drafts are not “project designs” but tools you can use to sample and then create your own projects based on what you learned in the sampling process.
The product downloads as a .zip file with two folders, one for the tie-up version of the draft and the second contains the lift-plans.
The samples that you see on this page have been woven with a warp that is 30/2 cotton for the tie down threads, and a doubled 10/2 for the pattern threads.